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Staying hydrated in home-office

Staying hydrated in home-office

While everyone who drank water died eventually, hydration is important to keep such death further away. And being an ADHDer means having tendencies to focus on things other than hydration, it’s essential to introduce some countermeasures. I’ll describe a setup, that works for me as a home-office worker. It consists of fluid source, fluid container and holder, as well as fluid intake incentive and tracking.

Obviously, this post is not a health advice, as even water can be dangerous.

Sounds for Focus

Sounds for Focus

Music or other sounds linked with decent noise-cancelling headphones can make focusing easier.

The key, however, is to choose the best sounds for a given type of work, environment, our mind state and other variables so it best suites the purpose. Here I gathered some of my experiences with that.

Pomodoro technique - multi-win solution for hyperfocus, eyes, spine and more

Pomodoro technique - multi-win solution for hyperfocus, eyes, spine and more

The technique itself is elementary: work on a single task for 25 minutes, take a break for 5 minutes, every few cycles (called pomodoros) take a longer break; repeat forever.

It has many benefits itself for “neurotypicals”, even more for ADHD folks, but can be significantly improved if other activities are linked to breaks - like eye exercises or stretching.

Hello, world!

Initial post. I hyperfocused on this new project today :D